Virus School For Fools
Call chlorine, tell bleach, Bring in hydroxychloroquine to unteach. Give me tremendous lights on the inside, To cure the head with silly...
Call chlorine, tell bleach, Bring in hydroxychloroquine to unteach. Give me tremendous lights on the inside, To cure the head with silly...
Spot chanced blackface to take a day's walk. Walk a sole mile in my shoes, you buck. Your invitation to a learning curve intro; It is...
Life brings never-ending braves; to the ugly chick-lings' enclaves. But I need to preen myself; I cannot even find beauty to pelf....
The idiotic mind surpasses them all; upon a level, enormously tall. This vainglory put the Republic at risk. Skim along the direction of...
See me as living life, not meat. Don't be a jerk, come, let's meet. Eat me? You don't even know how I feel. But you want me for a meal....
Count my pains, count my sorrows. Broadcast them in all boroughs. Vindicate me with no furrowed brows. Claim me like fresh saguaros....
Parody in my work brings the salty funny. It provides no exaggeration's seed money. But, it gives me no limitations to deflect. My...
The MAGA Kool-Aid in the air, It is a ghoul's maggot flair. Yellow-perturbation downplayed, The virus dangers and strayed. It is a Jim...
Variety and medley point, The spikes giggle and jab, For a harlequin in a joint, I clown to pay my tab. My debut a Faux pas; for a...
Once offered a choice, a stranger for a mother, I have a pother bird's voice My birth-father an eagle confused; I have no fuss just,...
I The draft dodger; charges imposed. A fine to pay, the cowards declared; Elective I supposed. Here is a chance; for a stare-down to...
I Ignoble system mime my bad profile. No wrong have I done. Hated, they planted their evil. Know that we will not be-gone. Depraved...
I Pandemic pandemonium Fallacies desperation; Spewing, Conspiracies and neglecting first duty. This person is a man; who ensorcelled many...
Slowly, slowly, slow as a tiger step forth, so, majestically we go. Our walk a regal swag; not easy on the tiptoe. It commands a whoa! On...
Face-mask or no mask. Now a political audition. Every state leads a kind of opening. To mask or not to mask, Now a public motley plaid...
I Down, down, down! Down a steep ramp; Wearing rubber bottom shoes. Goes the yellow-perturbation tramp. The forever multiloquous...
I This argument is not for troll; But, it is in a measure for your soul. Hear the call to the able; the discerning at the round-table....
My journey is my own, but my money was overblown. Your malefic desires remain as north is north and south still the south. Desperate...
Is that what I am supposed to do? Join Aryan-Arian revenge cadre! Use the power of the state against my neighbor. Revenge, like any...
Black lives easily taken, Mama died left me shaken. Father gun devoured when I was one; My poor lonely soul left to mourn. My breed my...