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Peta Goes Vegan

Updated: Aug 11, 2023

See me as living life, not meat.

Don't be a jerk, come, let's meet.

Eat me? You don't even know how I feel.

But you want me for a meal.

The inconsiderate slob, regular snob

Doorknob, respect me like it is your job.

You ignorant dope, give me hope.

I have one life to live in my hive.

Have respect for me,

Your neighbor, we have breath alike.

Avoid me for a hunger strike.

Everybody has something to hide.

Take the ferry, take a hike,

Since you believe it is all a hype.

Here is to assist with the critical.

Signed: Peta; People for the Ethical

Treatment of Animals.

My seven million followers, doing the minimal.

You kill mates with your windshield and grill.

And you insist, your skill is not for the PETA drill.

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