Word = Meaning
Abiosis = A nonviable state
Abscond = Escape, leave quickly, ovoid prosecution
Adroitly = Skillfully using the hand
Aficionado = Fan, follower, liking for
Aforetime = In the past
Aggregated = Counted
Alkaloid = Nicotine, cocaine, morphine
Alternate truthers = Liars
Amorphous = Ill defined; Shapeless
Anon = Once
Apple = Distraction, temptation
Arian = Belief in superiority (believer in Arianism)
Arian heresy = A nontrinitarian Christological doctrine
Aspersions = Unfavorable remark
Asseverate = Declare emphatically
Ativan = Lorazepam - produce narcotic effects
Atropine =A poisonous, bitter, crystalline alkaloid
Back-slap =Congratulate effusive goodwill
Backslides =Revert to sin, wrongdoing
Bane = Ruin, destruction
Beggared = Impoverish
Bemused = Bewilder; confuse
Benzos = Benzodiazepine - opioids abuse
Bestrew = Scattered, lie scattered overÂ
Betide = Describe, happen
Blackguardly = lacking principles or scruples; "the rascally rabble"
Blizzard = A violent storm
Bother = Agitate or nervous; fluster
Braggadocio = Boastful and arrogant behavior
Bravado = A pretense; a false show of bravery
Brusque = Discourteously blunt, abrupt
Bullyrag = Intimidate
Burgeon = Grown stronger
Burlesque = Well built, striptease
Canker = Damaged tissue
Caprice = Moody, Inexplicable behavior
Christo-centric = Teachings of Jesus Christ
Chordates = Having a heart-shaped outline
Ciphers = Nobody
Circuit Riders = Clergy strapping guns to kill - Police
Clique = An exclusive group
Cloak = A loose outer garment, such as a cape.
Cognation = Kinship, family, relatives
Contemptuous = Scornful
Corporeal morbid = Spiritually sick, dead without a soul
Cull = Pick or choose, catch, select
Cultural Relativism = Claims of superior cultural and moral value
Digress =To turn aside from the main subject
Depraved = Perverted
Dingbat = A stupid or eccentric empty-headed person
Dirge = Requiem, lament
Dole = Give out, distribute
Donned = Turned on
Doyen = Group leader
Ebony = Most highly prized black
Elective = Choice, optional, selection by vote
Ensorcelled = Attacked, overpowered
Enthrall = Hold captive
Expositors = Explainers of complicated ideas
Faddishly = Fussy person, fashion; fiddle-faddle
Fallacies = Unsound arguments
Faux Pas = Embarrassment, improper
Fawner = Excessive display of flattery or affection
First Cause = God Almighty
Foment = Instigate
Forlorn = Unhappiness
Franker = Clearly manifest evidence
Fudge = Spin, cover-up
Ghoul = Delights in revolting, morbid, or loathsome
Girth = The saddle on my back
Grifting = Swindling
Guile = Cunning
Gull = Trick
Harlequin = A clown; a buffoon
Harrow = Torment, plow, rake, turn over land
Hoity-toity = Pretentiously self-important; pompous
Hooch = Alcoholic liquor
Hordes = Mobs
Horseshoe crab = A marine and brackish water arthropod
Hutzpah = Mightily
Huzzah = cheer; express joy and triumph
Ignoble = Contemptible, dishonorable
Incongruous = Use other means
Iniquitous = grossly unfair and morally wrong
James Ryder Randall = Poet/Author of Maryland my Maryland
Jaundice = Yellowing looking, diseased
Jest = Frivolous, ridicule
Karen = Obnoxious middle-aged white women
Lamina = Skin
Lamina anon shone = My skin once shone
Lampooned = Caricature
Maggot = Dead and decaying, despicable
Maggoty = Angry, bad-tempered.
Make prey = Destroy, consume
Malformed = Unsafe, abnormal
Melancholy = Sadness, depression, gloom
Meth = Rapid irregular heartbeat, delirium, panic
Mime = Action without words
Monger = Promotes undesirable or discreditable
Motley = Many races of people
Multiloquous = Excessively talkative
Nebulous = Vague, unclear
Necrosis = Death of body parts via injury or disease
Negator = Make ineffective or invalid; nullify
Nibble = Take away, learn in small measures
Nubian = African blackness
Nugatory = Worthless, invalid
Opining = To express an opinion
Otiosity = Leisured, idle, inactive, unoccupied
Pandemonium = Wild uproar
Papyrus = A document written on a material
Paucity = No room, inadequate space
Pauperized = Made very poor
Piqued = Vexed, provoked
Plaid = A tartan, checked pattern
Polemic = Person inclined to controversy, argument
Populace = The general public; masses, population
Potentate = A monarch
Pother = A commotion; a disturbance, a fuss, worry
Preform = Predetermined; decided beforehand
Prosody = Stress pattern
Prostrate = Bow down; submission, adoration
Purveryed = Provide
Quotidian = Daily
Rancor = Bitter resentment; deep-seated ill will
Rankle = Cause irritation or resentment
Requite = Service
Respite = Relief
Retrogression = Return to an earlier worse state
Revile = Angrily insulting manner
Risque = Racy or indecent
Scapegrace = A scoundrel; a rascal
Scoffer-ed = Person who expressed derision or scorn
Scouring = Remove dirt, clean, looking
Scoundrelly = roguish, dishonest, dishonorable
Seigniory = Feudal lord, absurd authoritarian
Ski run = On skiing slope
Smock = A loose coat-like outer garment
Smooch = Lover
Snivel = Whine
Snuffle = Breathe noisily through a blocked nose
Soft marked = Cornered
Solely = All, everyone
Spurn = Reject
Squall = Sudden violent windstorm
Squirm = Writhe, sign of humiliation
Squirt = Spray, spurt liquid
Stock-still = Immobilize, paralyzed
Strepitous = Noisy
Sturdier shrub = Rooted, firm and stronger
Suckered = Punched to death
Sullied = Tainted, unclean, defiled
Sundown country = White privilege
Swarthy = Person of dark complexion or color
Tankard = A large drinking cup
Telly education = Learning only via TV and internet
The Light = Almighty God
Thermal = Hot
Travail = Hard work, duty
Trojan plaintive = Sad person, A strong witness case
Uncouth = Ungraceful, untrained
Untuneful vessels = Useless object; muscle, Cheap and useless
Vagary = Inexplicable behavior
Vampy = Indecent and weak
Varnish = Polish, smooth coating, gloss finish
Veracity = Adherence to the truth
Vertical direction = Becoming knowledgeable, smart
Vine = Creepy, Weak-stemmed
Virulent = Intensely irritating, obnoxious, harsh
Visage = Feature
Vitriolic = Bitterly abusive
Vituperate = Blame
Vox populi = Voters; beliefs of the majority
Washington Wizards = NBA team
Weaponeer = Fashion weapons to kill another
Whiff = A gust of air; a waft
Whimpered = Cry, sniffle
Wont = Incline, hope
Wrought-smithery = A smith shaping by hammering
Xanax = Alprazolam drug - anxiety treatment
Yellow perturbation = Coward