The butterflies, they came
Quietly, they flutter by all the same
The monarchs, the queens, the kings
Soft on their vibrant wings
These butterflies, just like any
Before the end of their journey
Traversed many a continent
To find me desiring to be content
Their dance slowly realizing
In my bowels, a feeling of a pleasant ding
In my heart, a new song to sing
From jingles tingling in the wind to a zing
The warm twang is just as surprising
As the feelings in my belly keeps rising
In my inner parts, l sense a sizable uprising
To force my old inhibitions into submission
The butterflies, all the same,
In the air like a beautiful flame
Their perch births a patch in my throat
And churns my stomach (my being) afloat
Ultimately perturbed by a surging infatuation
My sweaty palms feel more like a burning inflammation
You'd think I’m caught in the webs of a bug
In my intestines, love bubbles, a quizzing tug
But honey! Be off with it - I shrugged
And back into the hole that I had dug
But again, this love thing could be for me
Right? Listen! Does anybody want some coffee?
