A graying gallant year, gaudily bedight,
Traveled by sunshine and moonlight,
Wandered long in search of the Light,
In the end, its strength waned from blight.
Other pilgrims, we lost, now bound off-site,
Their shadows, weary from travails and the fight,
Seek the land of rest with the promise in sight.
Shall they cross the mountains, guided by he who’s right?
Hand in hand, the pilgrims and the year went over the heights,
Down the valley of Shadows, embracing the night.
Their spirits soar over the firmament like kites,
As the cold-gray December exits despite lessons so sleight.
Finally, it ended, as the year and pilgrims so soon departed,
The moon smiles gently; the sun winks with open hearts.
Come, New Year, come, newborns, bid the old year your fervent goodbyes,
Wishing you all good health and happiness as our spirits rise.