I have two-atom parts of hydrogen,
As a mother, I birthed one part of oxygen.
I am the greatest, universal solvent.
And the solvent of life by any event.
In a large body, I have potent men portent.
Proteins and substances I dissolve to be potent.
At other temperatures, solid or gas, present
I match hot or cold to evolve by assent.
I am water, the polar inorganic liquid compound.
In 70 percent of your body mass, I am bound.
I occupy 70 percent of the earth's surface.
I am the most abundant substance and ace.
I am rather tasteless. I am mainly odorless.
I am always colorless. My tint, inherent is a hint of blue, no less,
I am the most studied nevertheless.
I am in the baptismal to bless.
I am one of the most plentiful
and essential of intricates.
I locate commonly in oceans full,
I occupy rivers, glaciers, and lakes.
At four degrees Celsius, I am most dense,
but high up in the sky, I dispense.
I birth thunder and lightning when I condense.
Hailstorms and rain my power embraces.
Solid, liquid, or gas to all lives happy to face
Incompressible, I bowed to Jesus's pace.
And I love to do dances with a lizard race.
I do know the means by which the world cleans.
I am open to the ends
towards which the whole world tends.
My high surface tension allows a small insect,
other striders, to skate on my surface direct.
I run on earth like the liquid in many rivers,
streams, and oceans; to be a life-giver.
At the North and South Poles, I am solid ice.
I am gas or vapor in the atmosphere as I rise.
Under the ground, I am always on the go.
Too much of me, I can hurt you, though.
People can go weeks without food.
But a few days without me is bye-bye for good.
However, drinking too much water
can also be a dangerous matter.
Overhydration can lead to water intoxication.
Too much water can sweep away any foundation.
Kind sir, jump in if you are a swimmer.
Please, don't try me if you are a sinker.
Beware of my docile state, a good servant.
But, I am water, a master of secession and fervent.
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