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Vixens and Their Dog

Updated: May 29, 2023

On the night of Reynauds with long knives,

They all render hollow words of sympathy,

Odd fellows follow suit without empathy

With swords and muskets in the hives

Where in alleys lurks vixens as dangerous

As the willing dog, just as courageous

But the lying influencer turn outrageous

With exploits wrapped in onions as traitorous

Sanctity, they were never afraid to offend

While hatred bears neither fact nor mend,

Until their money reaches deception’s bitter end,

In their veins, infectious cankers, democracy to rend

As the duped citizens swallowed the grift

Walls fall around them while they burn thrift

Lost money now in the way of blood and soil

Oh, how quickly the long knives were honed?

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