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Virus School For Fools

Updated: Aug 11, 2023

Call chlorine, tell bleach,

Bring in hydroxychloroquine to unteach.

Give me tremendous lights on the inside,

To cure the head with silly blind-side.

This school is for the mindless fool.

Tomfoolery now requires a physician’s tool.

This ninny despot chooses to tempt fate.

Stupefied and unmasked, he opened the virus gates.

An apple a day keeps the doctor away.

Doctors, willing a prophylactic to Pompeii.

We heard from the spin-doctors' bidets.

Scam a cellular immunity against the pathogen.

The gibber-jabber gets the viral impunity.

The herd mentality has herd immunity.

The country in a fresh upheaval sway;

The block-headed is now heading that way.

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